The underlying motto for the Health Collective from day one has been ‘Do Hard Things’.
Just in case that has been lost in translation I decided to whip up a flashy little image to serve as a gentle reminder that that’s what we’re here to do.

This month’s Healthy Habit challenge is simple - use a sleep mask and bonus marks for any night you can be sleeping by 10pm.
I think it’s important to remember that ‘Doing Hard Things’ can expand way beyond physical practices. And this sleep focus is a great example.
Plenty of people jumped at the challenge to accumulate minutes in a deep squat last month and I’m willing to bet, while challenging for many, that ‘hard thing’ was much easier than modifying one’s sleep habits.
We’re 11 days into February - time for a check up. How is everyone doing? Have you worn a sleep mask each night? Did you even GET a sleep mask? How about the 10pm target?
*cricket, cricket*
Reach out, let us know how you’re doing. Share a post of you and your fanciest sleep mask making REM time look gooooood 😴
Keep getting after it fam!
D & G
Health Collective