So nice to see you again :)
Wait, hold on. It's July already? Ok, we've clearly dropped the ball on getting this one out on time but that doesn't mean we can't catch up!
Let's take a quick peak at how June unfolded and then dive into what July has in store for all you Health Collective members.
June was all about slowing down, learning to live a happier life through the use of flow states and practising harnessing that inner voice through daily motivation. On paper, this doesn't seem like a tough ask but for those of you who tried the challenges as prescribed, I know you can speak to the level of difficulty!
Our 'Last Sunday' workout saw a great turnout and everyone upped their fitness on this one for sure. It was hot, the air was so thick you could chew it and we accumulated over 1km of sprinting! - needless to say, we had some tired bodies afterwards. Very impressed with the effort put forth from the entire crew!

JULY 2022
So what's on tap for July? Well, let me do the honours of telling you. IF you followed along last month and worked hard to strengthen that mind of yours, I'm sure you'll find this month's challenge a walk in the park.
June's challenges are as follows:
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport
Technology is intrinsically neither good nor bad. The key is using it to support your goals and values, rather than letting it use you. This book shows the way.
Complete one day of digital detox each week. This means no phone, no tablet, no computer, no tv, etc... are we getting the point here?
This might very well be the hardest monthly challenge you see all year. And if I'm being honest, I don't see very many people being able to complete all four weeks but let my doubt serve as motivation to prove me wrong. While daunting, it might also prove to benefit us the most so we had to throw it out there.
For those of you saying 'This is impossible! I need my phone for work' or 'What if my kid needs to get a hold of me?', let me say that this challenge is one to be taken with a grain of salt. There may be situations where you just might have to use your phone or computer for work or emergencies - that's not what we're talking about. We're simply asking to minimize usage as best you can during one set day each week and if you make it 100% digital free, even better.
Workout Details:
10km ruck, every 5 minutes, drop and give 10 push ups.
That's it baby.
This is one that EVERYONE can do and we're hoping to see EVERYONE attend. Bring your brother, tell your neighbour, pass it along to your butcher, the baker, hell, even the candlestick maker is invited!
All you need is a ruck or something that will hold 20-50lbs (a decent backpack and bags of kitty litter go a long way) and a pair of legs to carry your sorry butt 10km. Oh, water and sunscreen might be smart too.
Date: Sunday, July 31st, 2022
Time: 10:00am
Location: Trails near Fanshawe Golf Course.
Take Sunningdale Rd E as far as it will go and you can't miss us. For those of you who joined us earlier in the year, this is the same place we rucked our first 10km together. The difference is this time it won't be -26 degrees with a bunch of snow on the ground and blowing in your face.
That's all folks. Please accept our apologies for the late reminder this month. We know it's nicer when you have time to order the book ahead and plan/prepare for the monthly challenge but sometimes these summer months can get away from you a bit!
As always, if you have any questions about anything, please pass them along. You can reach us here via email or shoot us a DM on Instagram.
Until next time,
Better you. Better me. Better we.
Dave & Gord
To help inform and motivate you for this month's challenges, check out these articles: Why You Should Practice Digital Minimalism 11 Awesome Benefits of Rucking What Is Rucking? Who are we? The Health Collective Where can you find us? IG: Health_Collective_
The Health Collective is always looking to grow our tribe. Our strength comes from our numbers. Please help us spread the word and recruit anyone you think might gain even a little benefit from being part of our community.
With that being said, a few friends and family have been included in these emails as a sort of active invitation. If this is you (or anyone for that matter) and you no longer wish to be a part of the Health Collective and receive these emails, feel free to simply unsubscribe (we will miss you but our feelings won't be hurt).